Guests & Creators
PoetiCamera is a relatively young platform that invites photographers and poets to experiment with it.
We hope that over time more and more people will benefit from PoetiCamera, both as creators and as an audience.
There are three possible options:
Option 1 - Sigal or Nurit create a poem and photograph pair with the poet or the photographer.
The video is produced at the PoetiCamera home.
The “Guests and Creators” tab displays such collaborations.
Option 2 – A photographer or a poet creates, with Sigal or with Nurit, a poem-photograph pair.
The video is produced outside the PoetiCamera home.
An example of such work of art can be found in the “Creators” tab
Option 3 - The entire creative process is conducted outside the PoetiCamera home.
A poet and a photographer together create a poem-photograph pair and produce the video by themselves or with the help of a video producer in the spirit of PoetiCamera.
We will be happy to share your art in our activities.