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" A magical and exciting evening, by two artists, a photographer and a poet, friends ... who together produced a “Poeticamera” performance, fusing Nurit's exciting photography and Sigal's touching lyrics... when photography is a story and the words are the picture and together ... just brilliant "

Liat Yavne Rip

It was a special experience, a privilege to observe firsthand the individual and joint artwork of two creative souls.

My third eye gazed in amazement at the collaborative art and saw the beauty and emotion flowing in and out of the lyrics and the photograph.


Israela Dagan

Hani Tabachnik

Thank you both, for the inspiration, for sharing the work and for the language you created (with all your heart) that deeply touched my heart and soul!!

Idit Kubitsky

"Thank you for a very exhilarating evening. A brilliant idea by two talented women each in her own field. Innovative women. The humble and modest Nurit and Sigal congratulation and well done ..... I loved the performance and was moved to tears."

Hani Tabachnik

"Dear ladies, thank you for the privilege that you gave us to be part of your lyrics and photographs, it was a very touching, an inspiring experience."

Judith Mazuz

"Arm in arm" --- This is the motto of "PoetiCamara." The photography arm blends wonderfully with the lyric arm.


Combining the two arts allows the audience to view the fusion between the two art forms from the heart. When I look at the photograph, and listen to each word, I can interpret the connection in the context of my world and how I experience it. And when the photographs and the lyrics blend to form a movie – a poetic cinema --- it's a powerful experience. The heart expands.

I strongly recommend to anyone who is hungry for the thrill of art, to experience and be convinced of the fact that a new art form can always be created, as long as the innovators are open to following their unique path, be fascinated with novelty and thus enrich the experience of viewers.

Talya Garti

“Talented artists. Art at its best. Sheer pleasure.”

Iris Cherninsky

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